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Georgia Tech Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation (CIDI) Accessible COVID-19 Resources

CIDI created a COVID-19 resource page designed to increase access to information about Coronavirus symptoms, testing and treatment. Accessible resources include braille documents available to order and digital documents designed for users accessing the page with screen readers or other assistive technology. There are ASL resources coming soon to the webpage. This project was made possible with funding from the CDC Foundation.

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ADvancing States Releases Issue Brief on Technology Access During COVID-19

This issue brief is the second publication from the ADvancing States Aging and Disabilities Technology Workgroup, which was established in 2019 in order to drive improvements in aging and disabilities state agencies’ information technology (IT), facilitate sharing and learning among states, and assist states as they seek to implement and integrate technology that supports holistic person-centered services.

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Input Needed on WCAG 3.0 Accessibility Guidelines

The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AG WG) has published a First Public Working Draft of W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0. They are seeking input from evaluators, developers, designers, project managers, policy makers, people with disabilities, and others — particularly on the structure and the draft conformance model.

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Driverless Cars and Accessibility – Designing the Future of Transportation for People with Disabilities

This report highlights the potentially transformational power of autonomous vehicles (AVs). AVs have the opportunity to significantly benefit individuals with disabilities, but only if automakers work to ensure accessible design. The report states that key partners must work together on universal design now so that AVs can be developed to meet every potential driver's needs from the beginning, including wheelchair users.

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Workplace Accommodations: Low Cost, High Impact

This report from the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) analyzes the benefits and costs of workplace accommodations. JAN publishes this annual report using data from a survey they conduct with employers who contact them for specific information about workplace accommodations and/or the ADA. This year's results show that the majority of accommodations, 59 percent, were cost-free, while the typical cost of other accommodations was $500.

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The Future of Rural Transportation and Mobility for Older Adults: Current Trends and Future Directions in Technology-enabled Solutions

This whitepaper focuses on the potential of technology to improve mobility for older adults living in rural settings. It discusses ways technology may help to advance transit for this population, including by reducing gaps in transit services, improving access to information, and bolstering safety and accessibility for those who drive. The paper concludes with a list of twelve considerations for industry and philanthropy professionals working to advance rural transit for older adults.

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Accessible Transit Services for All

The Federal Transit Administration released a report that examines the accessibility, cost efficiency, and effectiveness of public transit for passengers with disabilities. The report provides an assessment of public transit and offers suggestions for improvements that align with the Americans with Disabilities Act standards. This report uses 12 case studies to analyze the state of current paratransit practices and highlight the most successful models.

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